DOPE CFO Certified Advisor Serve All 50 States
Although the “green wave” of the cannabis & CBD/hemp industry continues to grow and spread throughout the country, strict regulations and obstacles like tax code 280e - which considers marijuana-based businesses to be traffickers of controlled substances - can present obstacles to the success of your cannabis-related business endeavors. For example, those regulations take common tax credits and deductions that most businesses enjoy off the table for a business like yours.
At DOPE CFO Certified Advisor, we draw on years of experience to develop powerful accounting solutions to help you make the most of your business while prudently planning for tax time year-round. That way, you’ll be ready when the time comes. If you should ever be audited (which is inevitable in the cannabis & CBD/hemp industry), you’ll be able to rest easy knowing you were compliant with a DOPE CFO Certified Advisor handling your financials. We are known for quick resolution to issues and the ability to minimize audit-related penalties. Don’t spend another day just winging it when it comes to managing your finances and maintaining tax compliance in the cannabis & CBD/hemp industry.
Discover the difference of working with a DOPE CFO Certified Advisor that understands your business! Request your free consultation online to learn more.